

To summarize myself in three statements: I read, I write, and I listen to music. 
To elaborate: I'll read almost anything, though fantasy, classics, and historical fiction are my favorites. Mostly, I write novels and poetry, though I've started experimenting with short stories and other kinds of writing as well. I have way more story ideas than I should, not enough time to write them, and no clue where they all come from. I participate in NaNoWriMo every year, and highly encourage everyone to check it out. I haven't attempted to get any of my writing published yet, but hopefully someday I'll be able to. My favorite genre of music is alternative rock, though I listen to other genres as well.

Other than reading, writing, and listening to music, I also play the piano and guitar and have been taking dance classes for ten years. I'm on the golf team at school, and our coach is one of the most awesome, hilarious people I know. I'm a Christian. I'm generally friendly but have a very sarcastic sense of humor, and live in the absolute middle of nowhere. 

The Blog

Put Your Soul on Paper started in July of 2010, mainly because I was bored. I also needed a place to post things like surveys about coffee and rants about the people who wrote reviews on iTunes. Luckily, those days are behind me. My first few posts after that shared some writing advice and discussions about battle scenes and writing from older character's point of view. From there it shifted into me blogging about NaNoWriMo and other writing exploits, with occasional book reviews and other random thoughts thrown in. 

Then I discovered that for me to write an interesting blog about things that happened in my life, my life actually needed to be interesting. I also noticed that many other blogs had regular features that they posted every week. So, I decided to add some features of my own, focusing on the subjects I'd discussed many times before on the blog: reading, writing, and music. These led to the features Inspire, The Reading Room, and Song Wars, which are all posted weekly. You can learn more about them on the Features page. 

So there's a summary of the short life of my blog, from its origin until today. I'm still working to improve it, and welcome any suggestions!