Saturday, January 22, 2011

...And an update in general

So...I realized the other day that I haven't written anything here in awhile, and that I really should make another post. January hasn't been very exciting - let's face it, it's bitterly cold and quite boring, especially if you live in rural Pennsylvania - but February is shaping up to be one heck of a month.

Let's see. On January 31, we're leaving for Key West, Florida, and will be there for a week. I'm extremely excited about this, but I'm really hoping that the weather will be WARM - and when I say warm, I mean 80. I know that I should be grateful for even 70 degree weather, since it's been 15 or below for awhile here and is about to get even colder, but I am a very summer-oriented person and I plan to spend my entire time in Key West laying by the beach/pool/ocean in the sun. And I would really prefer to be in a bathing suit and not a sweater while I do so.

Then, on February 18, I leave for Youth Retreat with my Youth Group, which is always fun. (Although greatly lacking in sleep.) After that, I don't think we have anything - except planning for Script Frenzy in April and finishing my novel.

Which is going well, by the way - at least my NaNoWriMo novel. I'm writing the climax right now, so if all goes well I'll be able to finish it sometime this week - if I have time between school and preparing Florida. I'm planning to use the plane ride to get some more writing in on my other novel, and hopefully that one will be wrapped up by the end of February.

Yeah. So...when some of these exciting things actually happen, I'll be able to write a more interesting blog post. This was just sort of a, "hey, this is what's going on, if you care." *shrugs*

Hoping for a heat wave in Florida,

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