Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. A new topic is posted each week, and bloggers list their top ten in the category.

Sorry for the lateness of this post! Just barely getting it in on Tuesday. Today was filled with craziness.

Top Ten New-To-Me Authors I Read in 2012

10. Nathaniel Hawthorne

I still stand by the fact that I absolutely hated The House of the Seven Gables, but I'm reading The Scarlet Letter right now and I'm liking it so far. We're also reading some of his short stories for English class, and those are considerably less painful. I'm actually enjoying The Minister's Black Veil, and Rappaccini's Daughter and Young Goodman Brown look pretty interesting. I don't love him, which is why he's tenth on the list, but I am glad I've read some of his stuff. 

9. Sara Zarr

Her book How to Save a Life was beyond incredible; it was moving and nearly perfect in every way. I loved it, and I'm so glad I discovered this author. I definitely want to read more by her, and soon - she's awesome. 

8. Ruta Sepetys

The author of Between Shades of Gray, one of our books for the fall Reading Competition that I absolutely loved. Her next release, Out of the Easy, made my list of the top ten books I'm looking forward to in 2013. It's authors like this that make me absolutely love historical fiction. 

7. James Patterson

I finally got into James Patterson's books this year when I started reading Witch and Wizard. I loved those books and was quick to finish off the series. Over the summer I started reading Maximum Ride, which I really liked. I'm glad I started reading James Patterson, and look forward to reading more books by him in 2013. 

6. Donna Jo Napoli

The first book of hers I read was Lights on the Nile, but the book that made me love her as an author was The Smile. It was amazing. Looking her up on Barnes&Noble revealed that she'd written a bunch of books that all sounded fantastic. I'm so glad I discovered her. 

5. T.S. Eliot

One of the people I met at writing camp over the summer was really into T.S. Eliot, and recommended him to me; coincidentally, I received Four Quartets as a gift about that same time. And now I want to read every poem T.S. Eliot has written, ever. He is amazing. 

4. Robin McKinley

I finished Pegasus not to long ago, and now I really want to check out some of her other books. Her fantasy writing is incredible - the world she creates, the characters she brings to life, and her writing style - all of it leaves me craving more. 

3. Ally Carter

Heist Society was one of the best books I have ever read. So incredible; I loved it. Uncommon Criminals is high-priority on my Christmas wish list, and I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You is without a doubt going to be the next book I check out from our school library. 

2. Sarah Addison Allen

Compared to other authors I love, like Maggie Stiefvater or Markus Zusak, I don't think I've gushed sufficiently about Sarah Addison Allen. I read all of her books except The Firefly Dance over the summer, and I adored every one of them. I want to live inside one of her novels. 

1. Cinda Williams Chima

There's nothing I love more than a good fantasy author, and Cinda Williams Chima is superb. I've read her Seven Realms Series and The Warrior Heir, and with every book of hers I read, I'm desperate for more. She is incredible, and I love everything about her writing. I love stepping inside her world. 


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