The Reading Room, as the title implies, is a weekly update on what books I'm currently reading or planning to read. This blog feature was inspired by Ren's On Myshelf at the awesome blog, All By Myshelf.

What else is on my reading agenda? On my last trip to the school library, I picked up Consumed by Kate Cann. It's the sequel to Posessed, which I read over the summer and really enjoyed. I didn't know there was a sequel until I saw it on the shelf, and I'm really excited to start reading it.
And then there's Wither.

I can't help it. I just love dystopian-society novels so. freaking. much. Even before I read The Hunger Games, I loved books like The Hermit Thrush Sings, The Giver, and 1984. I wasn't going to read Wither. I wasn't! And then I saw the front cover up close, which is pretty cool. I read the inside jacket flap. I skimmed the first few pages. I saw the amazing quote on the page after the title. And I found myself checking it out, right alongside Consumed.
I know. I need help. But I'm glad I've decided to give this book a chance, because judging something just because its genre is popular is almost like judging it by its cover. That's what I'm telling myself, anyway.
So that's my recent reading activity. I'll be back next week with more. Before I go, I have two pieces of awesome news: one, my blog currently has six followers, which I find amazing since not that long ago I only had four. Two, I'm working on a secret bookish project that I plan to unveil around new year's. It's nothing too big, just something a little exciting. That's all I can say about it right now, but keep an eye out for unusual looking posts for the rest of 2011.
More than ready to spend my Christmas break reading,
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