I'd like to start off by saying that I hope everyone's Christmas was as wonderfully bookish as mine was. I've spent most of my break so far reading. I finished Consumed, which I absolutely loved, started Wither, which is about what I expected it to be - not up to par with The Hunger Games, of course, but still pretty good - and I've been marking my page with the beautiful bookmark my boyfriend gave me for Christmas. To top it all off, Christmas morning I found myself the owner not only of a stack of new books, but my very own Nook simple touch eReader.
I know - in my earlier blog posts, I was debating whether I wanted to get a nook. I was still debating at the beginning of December, when my mom found me studying the Barnes & Noble website for the umpteenth time. She told me that I should just get one - she thought I'd enjoy it. A week or so later she and my dad started asking questions about which one I wanted, and I had a feeling that I was getting one for Christmas. And I was kind of excited about it. Now that I've played around with it, all my doubts are gone. It's just - so - epic. No, it's not exactly like reading a real book, but it's impressively close. Plus, it came with free downloads of Dracula and Pride and Prejudice.

The first is Clockwork Prince, the second book in The Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare. I bought Clockwork Angel last fall when I was supposed to be homecoming dress shopping, and it was really good. I especially love the setting, although the characters are pretty awesome too. The only problem with these books are that they don't come out fast enough. Plus, I just can't see how The Mortal Instruments series could ever measure up.
The second book I can't wait to dive into is Entice, by Carrie Jones. Need and Captivate are some of the best pixie/fairy novels I've ever read; there's the traditional myths like the pixies' vulnerability to iron and war with were-creatures, mixed with really unique elements like the pixie queens and being pixie-kissed. Plus, I love that the were-creatures in these books aren't just werewolves, but include a were-tiger and a were-falcon. I definitely recommend the series - the first book is Need, the second is Captivate.

Then there's The Warlock by Michael Scott. I had mixed feelings about this series when I first started The Alchemyst, but once I got into it, I was hooked. Although my personal favorite is The Sorceress, I haven't been disappointed by any of the books yet. They're exciting, the characters are intense, they have so much mythology even I don't even recognize all the gods and goddesses, and it's definitely one of my favorite series of all time. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when it ends.
That's it for this unusually long post. I'm sure more books that I got for Christmas will be showing up in the reading room at least throughout January. And remember to keep watching for the secret new year's project I mentioned last week - it'll be making its appearance soon.
Wishing you a book-filled new year,
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