Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. A new topic is posted each week, and bloggers post their top ten in the category. I love making lists, especially about books, so when I found out about Top Ten Tuesday, I just had to participate.

Top Ten Series I Haven't Finished

10. Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan

I loved the Percy Jackson series and liked the first book of this series, The Lost Hero, but The Son of Neptune was horrible in more ways than I can describe. I couldn't believe that I could hate something Rick Riordan wrote so much, but it was just bad. I finished it, for some reason, but I can't bring myself to read the rest of the series - I prefer to remember the characters as they were in the absolutely amazing Last Olympian.

9. The Iron Fey Series by Julie Kawaga

So many people recommended this series to me, absolutely raving about how good it was, how much they loved the characters, and how they couldn't put it down. People whose judgement I trust in all things bookish urged me to read this series. So I picked up the first book from the library - and as much as I tried, I didn't like it. The characters annoyed me, the setting was vague, the plot was uninteresting. I  was still going to attempt to finish the series, but I haven't yet, just because I really don't consider it a great use of my time.

8. The Last Dragon Chronicles by Chris D'Lacey

Oh, these books were so good until they started getting weird. I hate it when fantasy authors start bending their own rules. This series became so complicated I couldn't even follow it, which is why I stopped reading after Dark Fire. Part of me still really wants to read Fire World and The Fire Ascending, so maybe, someday, I'll finish the series.

7. Warriors by Erin Hunter

I loved these books when I was younger. They were my favorite book series, ever. I even met Erin while she was on tour. The problem was, the books just didn't stop. I'm sure part of the problem was that I outgrew them, but I can still reread the first two series without it being too painful. By the end of the third series, Warriors: Power of Three, Erin Hunter had made me completely hate all my favorite characters, the books were so predictable I didn't even have to read them, and the plot alternated between comically over-excessive action and absolute boredom. So I stopped reading them, and have no intention to finish them. I'll still recommend the original six books to anyone who asks, though.

6. Maximum Ride by James Patterson

I read the first book, The Angel Experiment, over the summer, and although it wasn't fantastic, I still liked it a lot. I have no good excuse for not reading these. Not even the fact that they don't have the second book at the public library, because they have it at the school AND I have a friend who I could borrow it from. I really want to read the rest of the series and the manga versions, and I really don't know why I haven't yet.

5. Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck

I can probably quote from my review on Shelfari or some post on the blog: "I plan to read the rest of the series." This was around December or January, when I first read the first book. I think, because I didn't fall head-over-heels-in-love with it, (I liked it, but I'm not ready to marry it), it's just gotten pushed aside by more interesting reads. Hopefully I will finish it, someday, because the ending of the first book was kind of anticlimactic. I need something more to happen. Plus, I loved the mythology.

4. Need by Carrie Jones

This one's a little easier to explain, at least: the only way to get my hands on Endure would be to buy it, and I don't have the funds for that right now. It drives me crazy that I haven't finished the series yet, because Endure is the last book, and Entice set up so many exciting things to happen! Hopefully it'll come my way as a Christmas present...if I have to wait much longer than that, I might go crazy.

3. Madeline L'Engle's Time Quintet

I LOVED A Wrinkle in Time. It was absolutely incredible. The only thing holding me back from finishing the series, honestly, is the fear that the other books won't be as good, which I know is kind of crazy. I'm probably only missing out by not finishing the series.

2. The Earthsea Cycle by Ursula K. LeGuin

The Earthsea series is right up there with The Lord of the Rings as far as awesome, epic High Fantasy. I read the first book for English in eighth grade and finally got around to reading the second one last year. I really need to get going at a faster pace for these, because I finally own all of them and at this rate I won't get through them until I've finished college. And I definitely don't want to wait that long before taking another visit to that magical world.

1. The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis

I love C.S. Lewis, and I loved the first four books of The Chronicles of Narnia. The fact that I have not finished the series is a point of great confusion and distress. There's no good reason. I really, really want to read the rest of them. Why I haven't is beyond me. I love this series, and I need to read the rest of them - soon.


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