Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. A new topic is posted each week, and bloggers post their top ten in the category. I love making lists, especially lists about books, so when I found out about Top Ten Tuesday, I had to participate.
This week's topic is The Top Ten Books For People Who Liked [X] Book. I had a lot of fun with this topic, so without further ado I present:
The Top Ten Books For People Who Liked The Hunger Games
10. Divergent
By Veronica Roth
Personally, I was just kind of okay with this book. I liked it, but I didn't love it. Several people I know who loved The Hunger Games really liked this book, though, and it wasn't horrible. So if you're like me and you can't get enough of dystopian novels, this isn't a bad choice.
9. The Giver
By Lois Lowry
This book is what got me interested in the genre of futuristic society/dystopian novels. It's set in a world that is supposedly perfect, but one where people have lost all their freedom to choose in exchange for happiness. Although it's very different from The Hunger Games, I don't think I would have liked The Hunger Games as much if I hadn't read it. It's still one of my favorite books, and if you haven't read it yet, I would definitely recommend it.
8. The Silver Door
By Holly Lisle
The second book in Holly Lisle's Sun & Moon series, The Silver Door was incredibly similar to Mockingjay. It involved a village being transported to a new location and organized into strict task forces kept on tight schedules, much like what the population of District 12 undergoes in Mockingjay.
7. Brave New World
By Aldous Huxley
The Hunger Games is a great book not only because of the action and romance, but also because it makes you think - could our world really become like this? What would I do in this situation? If you loved this about The Hunger Games, you should definitely read Brave New World. Like The Giver, it's set in a supposed utopia, and the questions it raises kept me thinking about them for hours. We read this book for English class, and I filled it with sticky notes, and had more than enough material for my final essay.
6. Kiki Strike: Inside the Shadow City
By Kirsten Miller
The Hunger Games would be nothing without its brave, ferocious, determined heroine, Katniss Everdeen. The Kiki Strike series aren't dystopian novels, but Kiki is just as kick-butt as Katniss, and Inside the Shadow City is as thrilling and action packed as The Hunger Games.
5. 1984
By George Orwell
1984 is pretty much the original dystopian novel. The totalitarian government, the oppressed population, the war - it's all there, and it's George Orwell, so of course it's well-written and descriptive. If you need even more reasons to check it out, it has a lot of themes in common with The Hunger Games while being just as thought-provoking and mind-boggling as Brave New World.
4. The Girl Who Was On Fire
Various Authors
I'll admit this one is kind of cheating, but if you're as obsessed with The Hunger Games as I am, you definitely need to read this series of essays on the trilogy. While some of the points made just collected a series of connected events in the book, others made fantastic insights into the book and pointed out things I didn't even realize were in there. I loved it, and it made me want to reread the books.
3. Wither
By Lauren DeStefano
If you've been reading this blog for awhile, you might remember my inner turmoil over whether I was going to read Wither, which stemmed from my love-exasperation relationship with dystopian novels as a genre. I did end up reading it, and I'm really glad I did. Though it's not quite as good as The Hunger Games, it's still one of the best dystopian novels I've read.
2. The Scorpio Races
By Maggie Stiefvater
I could go on for hours about how amazing The Scorpio Races is, but I'll restrain myself and talk about why you should read it if you like The Hunger Games. Let's face it: one reason we all loved The Hunger Games was because of the games themselves. The Scorpio Races takes a similar concept of a life-threatening competition, subtracts the dystopia, adds fantastic characters and Maggie Stiefvater's beautiful writing, and delivers it all in a stunning package. Everyone should read this book, but if you've read The Hunger Games, I think you'll especially love it.
1. The Hermit Thrush Sings
By Susan Butler
I read this book a few years before I'd even heard of The Hunger Games, and to this day it is still the best dystopian novel I have ever read. It's set in a post-apocalyptic North America that is divided into tightly controlled regions that the government works to turn against each other. The story of the main character as she discovers the truth about her world and herself is beautiful and timeless. I loved it.
So that's my list for this week! Hope you liked it and found some books to take a look at.
The Scorpio Races made my list as well. You've made a great list. :)