Friday, August 17, 2012

Tuned In To (8)

Tuned In To is a weekly feature discussing albums I've been listening to, songs that have been stuck in my head, or artists I've discovered, and is posted on Friday.

So, this week I'm just going straight for the elephant in the room and talking about Taylor Swift's new single, "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together." It was released on August 14, and is the first single from her upcoming album, Red. I've always loved Taylor's music, so I was excited to listen to her new song. And...well, listen to it for yourself, and then I'll go into what I think.

It's different. Really, really, different. Although there are changes in her sound between her previous albums, they were much more subtle; this is the first time her sound had significantly changed. And while I definitely miss her more country style, I also really like this song. It's catchy, is something I can relate to, and has the same tone of her earlier songs, even if it is pop-ier. Overall, I have mixed feelings: I like the song, but it makes me a little apprehensive about what her next album is going to be like.

Still, I had the exact same reaction when Coldplay released "Every Teardrop is a Waterfall," and ended up loving Mylo Xyloto - it's probably their second-best album ever. So hopefully the same thing will happen here. I'm still looking forward to the new album. There are some cool-sounding collaborations on it, including a song with Mark Foster from Foster the People, which I'm really excited for.


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