Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. A new topic is posted each week, and bloggers post their top ten in the category. I love making lists, so when I found out about Top Ten Tuesday, I had to participate.

Top Ten Posts On Your Blog That Would Give the Best Picture of You

This is one of my all-time favorite books, and one of the first I reviewed on the blog, and shows how I react to really amazing books and how I review.

I posted this edition of The Reading Room right after a long weekend, when I'd made a trip to the library and then proceeded to spend almost the entire weekend reading, then walked around all day Monday with my nose in a book while my friends warned me of things like other people or stairs. That's the reason it made this list - every time I see it or think of the books I mentioned, I remember an experience that was so quintessentially me. 

Because I love music. And writing album reviews. And Coldplay is my absolute favorite band.

This post says a lot about who I am, I think. It shows what some of my favorite books are, as well as the type of life/experience I'd love to someday have. Plus, it captures my love of making lists.

My religion is a big part of my life, and occasionally it shows up on the blog, too. This post talks about one of my favorite passages in the Bible and why I find it so amazing.

National Novel Writing Month is a huge part of who I am as a writer, and this post really captures how I feel about writing and my favorite parts of NaNoWriMo.

This edition of The Reading Room was posted just after I'd received the last books in two of my all-time favorite series for my birthday, and out of all the reading updates I've posted, I think it's one that captures my reading life pretty clearly.

Another post that has a lot of insight as to how I write and why I love it so much.

I love books. And bookstores. And unexpected adventures. And encountering people who love these things as much as I do. This post gives you a good idea of my enthusiasm for that, I think.

Just a brief list of things I love and an explanation of why my username is what it is. 

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